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  • 02.07.2024:

    • Released version 5.1.69.
    • Minor fixes.
  • 14.12.2023:

    • Released version 5.1.68.
    • Minor fixes.
  • 15.10.2023:

    • Released version 5.1.67.
    • Minor fixes.
  • 17.07.2023:

    • Released version 5.1.66.
    • [Win] Test managers can now reopen finished test runs (if this feature is activated in the global project settings).
  • 06.04.2023:

    • Released version 5.1.65.
    • [Web] Added "Last login" date to the list of users in the web admin area.
    • [Win] The integrated HTML viewer control was updated to the latest Chromium Embedded (as usual). Google discontinued support for older operation systems so the minimum system requirements for Zeta Test Management have also changed to not support these older operation systems anymore, too.
  • 20.02.2023:

    • Released version 5.1.64.
    • [Web] Adjustments to the web client. On the test runs page ("/testruns") the test results without any result values are not counted anymore in the statistics.
  • 03.02.2023:

    • Released version 5.1.63.
    • Minor fixes.
  • 10.10.2022:

    • Released version 5.1.62.
    • [Web] Fixed two issues regarding closing of test runs.
    • [Win] The "recalculate" action now finds more potential cases to adjust and correct.
  • 26.09.2022:

    • Released version 5.1.60.
    • Fixed a regression when dealing with bug trackers.
  • 14.05.2022:

    • Released version 5.1.59.
    • Minor adjustments and fixes.
  • 12.04.2022:

    • Released version 5.1.58.
    • [Web] Fixed an issue with images in the test result description editor not being displayed when previously inserted in the Windows client.
    • [Win] Added the above fix to the "Adjust inline images" action in the options form.
    • [Win] Fixed an issue in two test run reports where headlines would overlap on other text.
  • 04.04.2022:

    • Released version 5.1.57.
    • Minor adjustments and fixes.
  • 16.12.2021:

    • Released version 5.1.55.
    • [Web] Fixed an issue when displaying editable hyperlinks as promoted attributes.
  • 23.11.2021:

    • Released version 5.1.54.
    • [Win] Added more filtering options to the standard reports for test plans and test runs.
  • 02.11.2021:

    • Released version 5.1.53.
    • [Web] Fixed an issue with bug tracker input fields with a blank in its name.
  • 19.10.2021:

    • Released version 5.1.52.
    • [Win] Added some experimental features (inactive by default, can be turned on in the global project settings) to optimize the performance in certain areas of the application.
    • [Web] Bug tracker add form now also supports field type multi-select control.
  • 02.08.2021:

    • Released version 5.1.51.
    • [Win] The Report Designer was completely overhauled. It has now more options and is also capable of editing multiple reports simultaneously (MDI).
    • [Win] The Report Viewer was completely overhauled.
  • 20.07.2021:

    • Released version 5.1.50.
    • [Win] Adjustments in some reports where inline images were cropped instead of scaled.
  • 17.07.2021:

    • Released version 5.1.49.
    • Minor adjustments and fixes.
    • [Win] An administrator can now configure whether also test managers can edit the global project settings.
  • 28.06.2021:

    • Released version 5.1.48.
    • Minor adjustments and fixes.
  • 03.05.2021:

    • Released version 5.1.46.
    • Minor adjustments and fixes for checking whether a user can log in based on his group membership.
  • 24.04.2021:

    • Released version 5.1.45.
    • Minor adjustments and fixes.
  • 20.04.2021:

    • Released version 5.1.44.
    • Minor adjustments and fixes.
  • 23.03.2021:

    • Released version 5.1.43.
    • Minor adjustments and fixes.
    • [Web] The stopwatch is now hidden, if the option is inactive. Behaves like the Windows client now.
  • 27.02.2021:

    • Released version 5.1.41.
    • Minor adjustments and fixes.
  • 19.02.2021:

    • Released version 5.1.39.
    • [Win, Web] Added an option to allow LDAP users to log in, even if no user is yet imported. The user will be imported on-demand upon first log in.
    • [Web] Minor UI adjustments.
  • 24.11.2020:

    • Released version 5.1.38.
    • [Win] Added an option to specify how attachments are being opened (either download or directly open).
  • 23.11.2020:

    • Released version 5.1.37.
    • [Win] Added an option to specify the default role when newly added groups are created during LDAP import.
  • 15.11.2020:

    • Released version 5.1.36.
    • [Win] Fixed another issue during upgrading when opening older projects.
  • 05.11.2020:

    • Released version 5.1.34.
    • [Win] Fixed an issue during upgrading when opening older projects.
  • 27.07.2020:

    • Released version 5.1.33.
    • [Win] Fixed an issue when applying a test case variant preset to a quick test case with variants.
  • 22.06.2020:

    • Released version 5.1.32.
    • [Win] Fixed an issue when exporting/sending projects.
    • [Win] Users are able to specify a sorting for the default report for test plans and for the default report for test runs.
  • 30.03.2020:

    • Released version 5.1.31.
    • [Win] The search dialog now lets you export a search result as an XLSX file.
    • [Win] Fixed an issue where bug tracker IDs were not displayed in grids.
    • [Win] Fixed an issue when selecting test case variants for test plan templates.
    • [Win] Quick test case style fields are now configurable whether to display them in grids or not.
  • 24.01.2020:

    • Released version 5.1.29.
    • Migrated to VistaDB 6. All VistaDB-based project databases are automatically upgraded to version 6 and renamed to *.vdbx.
    • Some minor fixes and adjustments.
  • 29.11.2019:

    • Released version 5.1.28.
    • [Win] Fixed some dialog window contents not being fully visible.
  • 21.11.2019:

    • Released version 5.1.27.
    • [Win] Fixed an issue with worksheets during Excel import of test cases.
    • [Win] For quick test cases with variants you can now configure whether new quick test case variants get the grid values copied from the default quick test case variant. The default is TRUE, you can configure it in the global project settings.
  • 19.11.2019:

    • Released version 5.1.26.
    • [Win] Projects can now opt-out of receiving users from other projects.
    • Some minor fixes and adjustments.
  • 29.10.2019:

    • Released version 5.1.25.
    • [Win, Web] During a test run, promoted attributes can now be transfered to your bug tracker, if you define the field value or default value as "{Attribute.Xyz}" where "Xyz" is the name of the attribute. Bind it to a bug tracker field of your choice and you can visually or invisibly transfer the value that the tester has just entered in the promoted attribute field.
    • [Win] The Standard Report for test runs now shows inline images scaled to max 100% cell width, resulting in no more right-off-cut images. Also when changing report margins during print out, it is now being automaticall re-generated, resulting in correctly adjusting the page's content to fit the new size.
    • [Win] A new Standard Report for test plans was introduced, similar to the Standard Report for test runs.
    • [Win] Both the Standard Report for test runs as well as the new Standard report for test plans are now configurable about which test results and which columns to output on the report.
    • [Win] Changed the bitness of the main Windows application from "x86" to "AnyCPU", meaning that it now runs on a 64-bit system as a 64-bit application.
  • 04.10.2019:

    • Released version 5.1.24.
    • [Win] It is now possible to have quick test cases with test case variants. Previously, quick test cased couldn't have test case variants. This feature is currently in Beta status.
  • 02.10.2019:

    • Released version 5.1.23.
    • [Win] Fixed a minor issue dealing with test case variants.
  • 16.09.2019:

    • Released version 5.1.22.
    • [Win] External links will now be opened in your system's default web browser. Previously they were opened directly inside Zeta Test Management.
  • 09.09.2019:

    • Released version 5.1.21.
    • [Win] Added a new detail reports for requirement documents to show all requirement chapters that are not assigned to a test case. To view the detail report, activate detail tabs for the main window in the project settings options dialog window.
    • [Web] During a test run, the "Go to" drop down list now shows the state of a test case (in case this feature is activated in the project settings options dialog window.
    • [Web] When using a too old legacy browser (namely Internet Explorer), users will see a warning message box. This can be turned off in the project's global settings in the Windows client.
  • 26.08.2019:

    • Released version 5.1.20.
    • [Win] Fixed an issue with the "Create test case" wizard for requirements on high-DPI displays.
  • 12.08.2019:

    • Released version 5.1.19.
    • Some minor fixes and adjustments.
  • 31.07.2019:

    • Released version 5.1.18.
    • [Win] Fixed an issue when dragging a project folder to the root tree node.
  • 16.07.2019:

    • Released version 5.1.17.
    • Fixed an issue where the LDAP login flag for a users was not stored correctly.
  • 21.05.2019:

    • Released version 5.1.15.
    • Some minor bug fixes.
  • 18.04.2019:

    • Released version 5.1.14.
    • Some minor bug fixes.
  • 04.04.2019:

    • Released version 5.1.13.
    • Some minor bug fixes.
  • 29.03.2019:

    • Released version 5.1.12.
    • [Win] Switched to .NET 4.7.2 as the minimum requirement.
    • [Win] Fixed an issue in the LDAP user and group import if there are more than 5000 users or user groups inside an OU.
  • 13.03.2019:

    • Released version 5.1.11.
    • [Win, Web] Fixed an issue in the details preview for test containers.
  • 07.03.2019:

    • Released version 5.1.10.
    • [Win] Fixed an issue when deleting attribute style fields and quick test style fields.
    • [Win] Excel export of test cases now provide the option to export test case review state and review user group, too.
  • 01.03.2019:

    • Released version 5.1.9.
    • [Web] The web client now respects the previously Windows client-only settings for "Allow only one active test run" (per environment), "Show test case selector menu during test run" and "Allow empty test results during test run".
  • 12.02.2019:

    • Released version 5.1.8.
    • [Win] Fixed an issue with date edit in promoted attributes validating incorrectly.
  • 18.01.2019:

    • Released version 5.1.7.
    • [Win] Minor adjustements and enhancements to the command line parameter syntax.
    • [Win] Fixed an issue with the MSI package suggesting wrong default folder and a broken Desktop shortcut.
  • 27.12.2018:

    • Released version 5.1.6.
    • [Web] Changed the implementation of attachment downloading to make it better work with file names with blanks and other special characters.
    • [Win] New functionality to export all attachments of all test result of a given test run.
  • 25.11.2018:

    • Released version 5.1.5.
    • [Web] It is now possible to filter the list of test runs for open test runs, finished test runs, etc.
  • 21.11.2018:

    • Released version 5.1.4.
    • [Win] Enhanced logging when starting the local IIS Express server.
    • [Win] Some minor bugfixes in the local IIS Express startup handling.
    • [Win] Increased used UI library from DevExpress to version 18.2.3.
    • Increased VistaDB embedded DB engine to version 5.7.4.
  • 24.10.2018:

    • Released version 5.1.3.
    • Bugfix in the project converter.
    • Various fixes.
  • 14.10.2018:

    • Released version 5.1.1.
    • [Win] Added option ("Options → Actions") to refresh all bug tracker item status codes in Zeta Test Management from the current actual status code in the bug tracking system (e.g. Jira).
    • [Win] Most reports can now display a company logo, that you can define in the global project settings form.
    • [Win] Modernized several reports.
    • [Win] There is a new main window button to directly log in on the web for the currently loaded project and the current user in the Windows client.
    • [Web] There is a new button to directly switch to the Windows client (if installed on the current local machine).
    • [Web] You can now define addition HTML code like CSS or JavaScript to be added to the HTML head of every page. This can be done in the admin area in the web. The idea here is to allow for e.g. adding/hiding menu items via CSS and the like.
  • 2018-10-05:

    • Released version 5.1.0.
    • [Win] Changed internal web browsers from Internet Explorer to Google Chromium.
    • [Win] Moved several expensive computations server-side to improve client-side performance.
    • Users are now synced between server projects to reflect new licensing model.
  • 2018-06-16:

    • Released version 5.0.1.
    • [Win] Fix an issue with the Excel import wizard.
  • 2018-05-08:

    • Released version 5.
    • New licensing model.
  • 2018-04-03:

    • Released version 4.0.27.
  • 2018-03-15:

    • Released version 4.0.26.
  • 2018-03-13:

    • Released version 4.0.25.
    • [Win] Solved an issue with the thread pool during project loading.
    • [Win] Solved an issue inline images and text blocks during the test run wizard.
  • 2018-03-08:

    • Released version 4.0.24.
    • [Win] Solved an issue the prevented the main window from being able to be closed.
  • 2018-03-02:

    • Released version 4.0.23.
    • [Win] Added an option to load and save Excel import information to external configuration files.
    • [Win] Added an option to load and save dashboard grid information (columns, sorting, grouping, etc.) to external configuration files.
    • [Win] Some small performance improvements.
    • Improved memory usage.
  • 2018-02-02:

    • Released version 4.0.22.
    • [Win] Bug fixes for the service host application.
  • 2018-01-31:

    • Released version 4.0.21.
    • [Win] Minor fixes, especially in the service host application.
  • 2018-01-18:

    • Released version 4.0.20.
    • Minor fixes.
  • 2018-01-02:

    • [Win] Startup time for dialogs that use the Modern HTML Editor without toolbars should now be considerable faster.
  • 2017-11-28:

    • Released version 4.0.19.
    • [Web] Fixed an issue where test result items did not appear in the "last tested" columns.
    • [Web] Fixed an issue where test runs were accidentially opened again after being closed while finishing.
    • Minor fixes.
  • 2017-10-26:

    • Released version 4.0.18.
    • Minor fixes.
  • 2017-10-09:

    • [Win] The text modules for the HTML editor support placeholders like {CurrentUser}.
  • 2017-09-29:

    • Released version 4.0.16.
    • [Win] Fixed an issue when right-clicking in the main tree.
  • 2017-09-28:

    • Released version 4.0.15.
  • 2017-09-13:

    • [Win] Fixed an issue with the new service host.
  • 2017-09-01:

    • Released version 4.0.14.
    • [Win] The Windows client is now accompanied by a (transparent, invisible) service host executable. That marks the first step into transforming the "fat client" finally into a distributed "thin client" over the next years.
    • [Web] Enabled configurable web user tools to be visible in the menu bar.
    • [Web] Promoted attributes will now be correctly displayed during a test run.
  • 2017-08-01:

    • Released version 4.0.12.
  • 2017-07-24:

    • The former "ENU" and "DEU" folders in "Resources" and "Stationary" were renamed to "en" and "de" to be more readable.
    • [Win] When performing test runs, you can now configure an extra tab with additional promoted attributes, in addition to the promoted attributes included on the first tab page in the test run wizard.
  • 2017-06-22:

    • Fixed some conversion errors of older projects.
    • [Win] Promoted attributes to enter in the test run wizard can now be configured to be displayed on a separate tab page instead of being displayed on the first tab page.
    • [Win] The settings property grid now has a filter row to filter the content to easier find an item inside of the property grid.
    • Version 4.0.10.
  • 2017-05-12:

    • [Win] Promoted attributes can now be enabled for test case variants, not only test cases.
  • 2017-04-30:

    • [Win] You can now move test case variant preset values up and down.
    • [Win] You can now move test case variant values up and down.
  • 2017-03-17:

    • Added view of test case attachments (if any) when testing a quick test case.
    • Version 4.0.8 released.
  • 2017-01-19:

    • Minor fixes when upgrading from older projects.
    • Version 4.0.6 released.
  • 2017-01-09:

    • Minor fixes.
    • Version 4.0.5 released.
  • 2016-11-11:

    • [Win] Fixed an issue which performed a redirect when clicking empty space in the main view.
    • [Win] Fixed an error on adding test cases to a test plan.
  • 2016-11-10:

    • [Win] Added new statistic feature for test cases.
    • [Win] Optimized GUI for adding test cases to a test plan.
    • [Win] Ability to show historic statistics of finished test runs when creating a new test plan.
    • [Win] Changed the appearance of linked elements.
    • [Win] Added extended filter/search options to lists of test cases.
    • [Win] Dependent elements are now accessible among themselves during a test run.
    • [Win] Fixed an issue in the project settings when language is set to ENU.
  • 2016-10-14:

    • [Win] Fixed an issue in the project settings.
  • 2016-10-04:

    • [Web] Fixed a bug that prevents test result from showing in modal window.
  • 2016-09-28:

    • Official version 4 released.
    • [Web] The new web application can now search for test results.
  • 2016-09-06:

    • [Win] Switched to .NET 4.5.2 which is the lowest, officially by Microsoft supported .NET version.
    • [Win] Some minor fixes in some reports and in the Excel export.
    • [Web] Switched to .NET 4.5.2 which is the lowest, officially supported .NET version.
    • [Win] Fixed an issue when double-clicking a project file in Windows Explorer.
  • 2016-08-29:

    • [Win] Added a new dashboard column "Tester (alt.)", which is hidden by default, to show the testing user.*
  • 2016-08-23:

    • [Win] Several minor bug fixes. I.a. a bug that deletes images when copying test cases.
    • [Win] Minor change in the cumulation mode when "all test runs" is selected in the options.
  • 2016-07-06:

    • [Win] There is a brand new dialog window to search for test cases only. This window is similar to the list in the "select test cases to add to a test plan" dialog window. You can filter the results by various columns and promoted attributes are also shown as columns (if configured appropriately).
    • [Win] You can configure the test case popup selector menu in the test run wizard to show the test result as a traffic light image right beside a menu entry. This is useful for e.g. quickly finding items based on a certain test result (e.g. failed or succeeded).
  • 2016-06-24:

    • [Win] New test run cumulation mode "All test runs (allow duplicates)".
    • [Win] Fixed an issue with non-remembered manually changed column widths in the dashboard.
    • [Win] Minor bug fixes.
  • 2016-06-12:

    • [Win] The action to recalculate all internal project values got two more cases that are now also calculated during execution of this action.
  • 2016-05-25:

    • [Win] When selecting test cases for adding to a test plan, you can now select items in the list view more flexible; the selection will be kept even when changing the filter.
    • [Win] Fixed an issue with broken inline images inside HTML editor.
  • 2016-05-20:

    • [Win] You can now filter test cases in the test run wizard, depending on their result.
    • [Win] Experimentally added LUA scripting support to call external applications during a test run and read in the results. This is the first step towards an interface to external tools like e.g. test automation. The feature has to be manually activated through the global project settings and is not yet prime-ready. Please use at your own risk only.
  • 2016-01-24:

    • [Win, Web] Fixed some issues related to the bug tracker Jira REST API.
  • 2015-12-09:

    • [Win] You can now configure, whether to display chained items in the right area of the main window for the appropriate elements (e.g. for test cases).
  • 2015-11-30:

    • [Win] The HTML input editor (e.g. for test cases) can now be configured to use a more modern version of a DevExpress RichEditor control.
    • [Win, Web] Some formerly hard-coded texts/string can now be configured in the global project settings ("GUI" => "Strings") on a per-project basis.
  • 2015-10-29:

    • [Win, Web] You can configure that in all HTML text input fields (e.g. for test cases), input can be entered as Markdown instead of HTML.
  • 2015-09-21:

    • [Web] Released first BETA version of the all-new rewrite of the web application.
  • 2015-09-04:

    • [Win] Fixed an issue on Terminal Server/Citrix when trying to simultaneously editing the same element from two different users.
    • [Win] The .NET Framework 4.5 is now required to run Zeta Test Management (previously: .NET 4 was required). The full .NET 4.5 Framework is included and installed in case it is not yet present.
    • [Web, Win] Released version 3.6.17.
  • 2015-08-14:

    • [Win] Added the ability to configure GUI main menu button visibilities when no project is loaded. See
    • [Win] Fixed an issue when calculating cumulated tree colors.
    • [Web, Win] Released version 3.6.12.
  • 2015-08-13:

    • [Win] Fixed an issue related to roles and permissions.
    • [Web, Win] Released version 3.6.11.
  • 2015-07-16:

    • [Web] Fixed an issue related to bug tracker integration and attachments.
    • [Web, Win] Released version 3.6.10.
  • 2015-07-12:

    • [Win] Fixed an issue when calculating cumulated tree colors.
  • 2015-07-03:

    • [Win] Bug fixes when calculating cumulated tree colors.
  • 2015-06-10:

    • [Win] When deleting an element in the main tree, the confirmation message now tells you the name of the element about to delete (for most of the element types).
  • 2015-04-10:

    • [Win] You can configure whether the drop down menu button on the upper right during a test run will be shown in the wizard.
    • [Win] You can configure whether the user can only jump to the next test run in the test run wizard if a test result was specified.
  • 2015-04-02:

    • [Win] Added the ability to not only import attachments but also dynamically link to attachments on your local network or local computer without importing them. This feature has to be activated in the project settings. Please be aware that linking to files on your local computer may make them unavailable for other users that access a project from a different computer than yours.
  • 2015-03-27:

    • Added three new rich functionality reports:
    • New report for test runs: "Standard report" (EN), "Standard-Bericht" (DE).
    • New report for test plans: "Compare test runs" (EN), "Testläufe vergleichen" (DE).
    • New report for test containers: "Compare test plans" (EN), "Testpläne vergleichen" (DE). These reports are built-in and cannot be modified with the report designer. Built-in reports have the advantages of being able to contain much more business logic, resulting in much more detailed reports, and an improved performance which makes them being shown tremendously faster. The drawback is that these reports cannot be customized by Zeta Test users.
  • 2015-03-02:

    • [Win] You can now define on a per-test-unit-basis which article style will be used for promoted attributes when editing test cases. You can do the same on test containers and test plans to define which article style will be used for promoted attributes when doing a test run.
  • 2015-01-25:

    • [Win] The HTML resources for the internal overviews are no longer copied to the user's local folder, but instead kept centrally with the application executable files.
  • 2015-01-05:

    • [Win] There is now an action in the Options dialog to move unused inline images in test cases to the recycle bin to free up disk space and reduce the project size.
    • [Win] The e-mail sending dialog form now optionally supports to select one file to send with the e-mail as an attachment.
    • [Win] In the HTML print preview (right-click then choose "Print") there is a new option to directly mail the print preview as a PDF attachment through the e-mail sending dialog form.
  • 2014-09-21:

    • [Win] Creating test cases from requirement chapters now has an option to keep the tree structure (as far as it is possible, since test cases cannot contain other test cases, so this had to be modelled with test units instead).
    • [Win] New function "Backup" to both manually create backups of your projects as well as automatically in configuration intervals.
  • 2014-08-13:

    • [Win] You can now access the application via the "ztm://" URI scheme. To get links to certain items, right-click in the tree, open the "More" menu and select "Copy URL" from the menu to get the unique URL in the clipboard.
    • [Win] You can now associate external bug tracker items not only with test runs, but also with test cases and requirement chapters.
    • [Win] You can not only create new bug tracker items from within Zeta Test Management but also create links to existing bug tracker items.
    • [Win] For each connection to a bug tracker item, the bug tracker item gets a link back to Zeta Test Management via the "ztm://" URI scheme.
  • 2014-07-16:

    • [Win] Minor fixes and adjustments.
  • 2014-07-10:

    • [Win] Zeta Test Management now supports the creation, import/export, editing and reviewing of requirements. The requirements are also fully integrated into the other parts of the application like test cases and test plans/runs.
  • 2014-06-02:

    • [Win] Fixed an issue to allow deleting of global attributes.
    • [Win] You can now optionally limit the maximum file size of attachments as well as the allowed file types.
    • [Win] Users can change their own password (as long as they are local users and not Active Directory users) through the Personal Project Settings dialog window.
    • [Win] Administrators can now define password complexity rules for local user accounts.
    • [Win] You can now right-click in the main window on the HTML views ("Overview" etc.) and print the content to PDF or a printer.
  • 2014-04-28:

    • [Win] Modified appearance of test cases when user has read-only access to certain test units
  • 2014-03-22:

    • [Win] Had to remove the options to unbind planned test units and planned test cases from their test unit and test case counterparts since this would lead to false results when cumulating the color states.
  • 2014-02-28:

    • [Win] Added the functionality to export a project into a ZIP file, no matter whether it uses an SQL Server database or a VistaDB database. This function is intended to be used in support incidents to send a project to the Zeta Test Management vendor for debugging an issue.
    • [Win] The main window of both Zeta Test Management and the Report Designer now remember their previous window and screen position (the latter is ideal for keeping it on the same monitor on a multi-monitor system).
  • 2014-02-08:

    • [Win] Fixed an issue where text in the HTML editor during the test run wizard was not displayed anymore when re-opening/continuing a test run.
  • 2014-01-29:

    • [Win] Fixed an issue when upgrading projects to the latest version.
    • [Win] Copied test plans are now correctly checked for synchronizable test cases.
    • [Win] Links inserted into the HTML editor are now opened by default in a new window if no explicit target was specified.
  • 2014-01-10:

    • [Win] The "New project" dialog remembers the last setting of the "insert sample data" checkbox.
    • [Win] Fixed an issue when copying test runs to not yet existing test environments.
    • [Win] Allowing "*" as the name for a test environment.
  • 2013-12-16:

    • Released public version 3.0.0.
    • [Win] Added the concept of "Quick test cases" for multiple tests within one test case.
    • [Win] Added the right-click option "Sort alphabetically" to test containers and test plans.
    • [Win] Slightly improved GUI skin with more contrast and better colors.
    • [Win] Silent Upgrade checking in the background when being logged in as an administrator.
  • 2013-10-31:

    • [Win] Added the ability to "Past from Microsoft Office Word" in the HTML editors.
  • 2013-09-20:

    • Released public version 2.7.9.
  • 2013-08-21:

    • [Web] Improved performance of lists.
    • [Web] You can now create, edit and delete test units and test cases (beta) in the web client.
  • 2013-08-08:

    • [Win] Fixed an issue with the "Move project" wizard.
  • 2013-07-25:

    • [Win] You can now configure whether the "Home" and "Remote support" main window buttons are visible. This is configured in the global project settings.
  • 2013-07-19:

    • [Win] When no SMTP server is yet configured and you are executing a send e-mail function, you are now directly prompted for SMTP credentials (if you use an administrative Zeta Test Management user).
  • 2013-07-12 (public version 2.7.4):

    • [Win] Fixed an issue with not reorderable elements in the main tree.
  • 2013-07-06:

    • [Win] Test case reviewing now available in the Windows client, too. Simply enable it in the global project settings.
  • 2013-07-03:

    • [Win] The search option "Go to" should be much faster now, especially for large projects.
  • 2013-05-27 (public version 2.7.3):

    • [Web] New functionality of filters: Now you can define dashboard filters for both the chart diagram and the result grid for test containers and test plans. Filters can be defined for promoted attributes as well as test results. You can define permissions on a per-filter-basis and you can deep-link to a filter so that you e.g. can email a filter URL to a permitted user.
    • [Win] The project open dialog window was changed from a folder browse dialog to the standard Windows file browse dialog.
  • 2013-05-20:

    • [Win] When pasting images into the text editors, you can now resize the images with the mouse.
    • [Win] New keyboard shortcuts: CTRL+SHIFT+P for opening project folder in Windows File Explorer, CTRL+SHIFT+R for opening Report Designer.
  • 2013-05-08:

    • [Win] The generation of reports can now be canceled.
    • [Win] Report Designer: The SQL editor now has syntax coloring (T-SQL syntax).
    • [Win] Report Designer: You now have a list of report parameters available in the SQL editor dialog.
    • [Win] Report Designer: Upon saving reports, a backup is created. This can be turned on/off through the options dialog. The default is to create backups.
  • 2013-04-01:

    • [Win] The complete user-interface got an overhaul. The font was increased and the theme was set to an Office 2013 like look-and-feel.
  • 2013-03-24:

    • [Win] Migrated to .NET 4.0. It is now a requirement to have the full .NET 4 Framework installed.
    • [Win] Smaller setup due to the fact that we are not shipping the full .NET Framework Setup anymore but rather only the small web setup that downloads the missing files on demand if there is no .NET 4.0 Framework on the PC to install.
  • 2013-03-11 (public version 2.6.0):

    • [Win] You can now re-order (move up/down) planned test units and planned test cases, even if the test is already running. You cannot move them to another tree location, though.
    • [Win] New test runs can now only be started directly from the test plan, not from a child planned test case.
    • [Win] Dashboard charts don't overlap their labels anymore.
    • [Win] When closing a project, the right pane gets cleared, too.
    • [Win] Deleting a larger node in the main window tree now shows a progress dialog if the deletion takes longer than a few seconds.
    • [Win] You can now optionally specify zetatest-core.exe.config appSettings keys named "alternativeStationaryNewFolderPath" and "alternativeStationaryNewBlankFolderPath" to specify alternative storage locations for the template projects being used when creating a new project or a new empty (blank) project.
    • [Win] Multiple planned test cases can now be deleted in one step (multi selection mode) in the main window tree.
    • [Win] Fixed an issue where test case IDs were not shown in the main window's overview pane.
  • 2013-03-10:

    • [Win] Simplified the main window ribbon control by removing serveral items and merging the application menu into the main ribbon.
    • [Win] Replaced main tree icons, main tree context menu icons and main window ribbon with more modern ones that look lighter and brighter.
    • [Win] The tabs of the right aread in the main window now appear at the bottom of the window instead on the top.
  • 2013-02-23:

    • [Win] The HTML editor now behaves correctly when in very rare cases the text was empty, even if the user has entered some text.
  • 2013-02-15:

    • [Win] Added the ability to define HTML text modules that you can insert later in the various HTML editors like test case editing or test runs with either the HTML toolbar or the HTML editor's context menu.
  • 2013-02-02:

    • [Win] The new SQL query promoted attributes field type no can use {Attribute.NameOfYourAttribute} to access other promoted attributes. This is helpful for executing SQL queries depending on other input field values.
    • [Win] Added more detailed logging to the LDAP importing process.
  • 2013-01-11:

    • [Win, Web] More error tolerant handling of test environment names with leading/trailing blanks.
    • [Win] Removing dangeling test containers during recalculation action.
    • [Win] New field type for promoted attributes: SQL query. Lets you enter an SQL query that returns a scalar into a r/o text field.
    • [Win] Fixed an issue during LDAP import when a non-existing item in AD is queried. The exception DirectoryServicesCOMException is no longer presented to the user.
  • 2012-12-21:

    • [Win, Web] Added ability to specify line height for multi-line promoted attributes.
    • [Win] Added missing validation to some promoted attributes (e.g. date picker)
    • [Web] Added some missing promoted attributes.
    • [Web] Added validation for promoted attributes.
    • [Web] Non-supported attributes do not throw an exception anymore.
  • 2012-12-09:

    • [Win] Addded switch to turn off TFS-adding during test runs.
  • 2012-10-16:

    • [Win] Added global project settings switch to turn off/on test case edit input fields (preconditions, test steps, expected results).
  • 2012-10-04:

    • [Win] HTML-encoded most of the resources to allow for <, >, etc. in test case titles.
    • [Win] Added functions to create blank new projects (i.e. without any real content).
  • 2012-09-12:

    • [Win, Web] Fixed Jira attachment handling.
    • [Win] Fixed date picker bug tracker field type.
  • 2012-07-02:

    • [Win] Minor corrections and adjustments.
    • [Win] Support for the bug trackers Pivotal Tracker and Request Tracker (RT).
  • 2012-02-17:

    • [Win] Minor corrections and adjustments.
    • [Win] Improved the Excel export and import.
    • [Web] Added missing German language resources.
    • [Win, Web] The bug tracker interface can now handle attachments.
  • 2011-12-27:

    • [Web] Major enhancements for the web client.
    • [Win] Lots of new features for the Windows client.
  • 2011-05-24:

    • [Win, Web] Much enhanced bug tracker interface which now enables you to even define your own dialogs to enter bugs into your bug tracker of choice
  • 2011-05-21:

    • [Win, Web] The previously as a PDF document released online documentation, is now available as a complete HTML website.
  • 2011-04-12:

    • [Win] Minor adjustments for the dashboard.
  • 2011-04-06:

    • [Win] Dashboard for a quick overview of the progress of a test plan, a test project, a test run and a test folder. The pie chart, together with the summary tables shows all necessary details.
  • 2011-04-03:

    • [Win] The test case export wizard was rewritten. You can now specify which columns and which values to export: Microsoft Office Excel 2003 (XLS), Microsoft Office Excel 2007/2010 (XLSX), comma-separated values (CSV) and XML.
  • 2011-03-15:

    • [Win] Adjustments for Internet Explorer 9. If you are running Zeta Test on a machine with an installed IE9, please update to this version to continue editing test cases (HTML editor).
  • 2011-01-15:

    • [Win] Added experimental bug tracker support for the web-based project management and bug/issue tracking system FogBugz.
    • [Win] Added experimental bug tracker support for the project management and bug-tracking software Redmine.
  • 2011-01-01:

    • [Win] Added experimental bug tracker support for the SCM and project management software Trac.
  • 2010-12-24:

    • [Win] Added experimental support for the issue tracking system JIRA.
  • 2010-12-14:

    • [Win] Reworked and optimized most of the application dialog windows to get a more up-to-date Office 2010 look and feel. You now have more information visible on less space.
    • [Win] Minor fixes in the main application and the Report Designer.
  • 2010-12-05:

    • [Win] Improved overall performance with very large projects with a high number of test cases and test plans.
  • 2010-11-20:

    • [Win] Resolved an issue with coloring status of test plans in the main tree.
  • 2010-10-23:

    • [Win] Minor fixes and corrections regarding test case variants.
  • 2010-10-16:

    • [Win] Minor fixes and corrections.
    • [Win] Experimentally added drag and drop support for parts of the main tree (in the test cases and test units section). You have to activate it in the personal project settings.
  • 2010-06-30:

    • [Win] Further adjustments for creating attributes.
  • 2010-06-26:

    • [Win] Fixed an issue when creating attributes.
    • [Win] Updates main window UI to Office 2010 look
  • 2010-06-16:

    • [Win] Added missing DLL file for the Report Designer application.
  • 2010-05-10:

    • [Web] first Beta release of Zeta Test Web Access is being downloadable.
    • [Web] An example project for Zeta Test Web Access is available online at
  • 2010-04-30:

    • [Win] Corrected some issues inside the database (DB) migration wizard.
    • [Web] Started integrating Zeta Test Web Access (web-frontend for testers). Updates and a separate download of the Web Access package will follow soon.
  • 2010-04-14:

    • [Win] Fixed an erroneous cumulation of test result states in the main tree view.
  • 2010-04-02:

    • [Win] Fixed an issue in the date filter of the detail list in the main window.
  • 2010-03-24:

    • [Win] The Microsoft Office Excel importer is now able to automatically create test unit hierarchies based on an (optional) hierarchy column in the Excel document.
  • 2010-03-23:

    • [Win] Test run integration of Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) completed. You can now optionally display configurable TFS fields in the test run wizard. The fields can optionally be configured to be writable to directly write back to TFS during a test run.
    • [Win] The Zeta Test main window now utilizes a ribbon user interface.
  • 2010-03-05:

    • [Win] Minor fixes. Corrected an issue when creating new projects.
  • 2010-02-12:

    • [Win] Additional option to configure automatic URL detection and formatting for the Microsoft Office Excel import of test cases.
  • 2010-02-09:

    • [Win] Change logging for test results. Configurable through the project settings.
    • [Win] Test result cumulation mode selectable. Configurable through the project settings.
  • 2010-02-07:

    • [Win] The Report Designer is now capable of directly designing with VistaDB databases.
    • [Win] The Report Designer allows to enter connection strings by wizard (as before), by selecting a Zeta Test project or by directly entering a connection string.
    • [Win] The Report Designer provides a new method to export reports for passing them to other people.
  • 2010-01-30:

    • [Win] Error correction: Corrected a bug in the Bugzilla interface.
  • 2010-01-02:

    • [Win] Completed the next step of Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) integration: You can now let Zeta Test Management update test cases that were previously imported from TFS. I.e. when a work item in TFS changes, you can update the associated test case in Zeta Test.
  • 2009-12-27:

    • [Win] First step of the Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) integration.
    • [Win] Added interactive wizard to import Work Items as new test cases.
  • 2009-12-09:

    • [Win] Detail tab in the main window to display a compact and detailed project progress of a test plan or all test plans of a test folder.
    • [Win] Corrected a Microsoft Excel import bug and added a new feature to limit the number of imported columns and rows.
    • [Win] Added filters to the user management main dialog window to filter users and user groups. Useful when dealing with large number of users and groups.
    • [Win] Added wizard to archive a test plan or a test folder.
    • [Win] Added wizard to copy a test plan or a test folder as a new element. Helpful when you want to clone large number of tests.
  • 2009-11-11:

    • [Win] New report for test plans: "All users with permissions on this test plan".
    • [Win] The user groups that are allowed to view a report can now be defined on a per-report-basis during the report design stage.
    • [Win] Archiving of old test plans/test folders. You can mark a test folder with an "Archive" flag. Only administrators can access test plans and test folders that are contained within an archive test folder.
    • [Win] Recursively remove all user group permissions on test folders and test plans with a single click.
    • [Win] The members of a group can now be displayed directly from within the permissions tab during editing test folders and test plans.
    • [Win] The relationship (foreign key) between test cases within a test plan and test cases in the global test case library can now be removed explicitly. This enables you to delete test units and test cases in the global test case library, even if there are still test cases associated with test plans.
    • [Win] New option to allow the adding and removing of test cases to/from test plans even if the test plan already has running test runs.
    • [Win] New option to only allow one single active test run per test plan concurrently. I.e. a new test run can only be started if a previously running test run is finished.
    • [Win] New, optional wizard to configure a new test run. By using this wizard the user can select the test cases to actually test. I.e. the user can only test a subset of the test cases of the test plan.
    • [Win] The "stop watch" that is being displayed during testing can globally be deactivated on a per-project-basis by the administrator.
  • 2009-10-14:

    • [Win] Added an option to configure that only one active test run is allowed per test plan per test environment.
    • [Win] Corrected an error that occurred when showing reports.
  • 2009-10-07:

    • [Win] Permissions on test plans, test folders and test units allow now for showing the members of a permitted user group.
    • [Win] Corrected an error that occurred when copying a test case that contains test variants.
  • 2009-09-23:

    • [Win] Completely overhauled report designer application.
  • 2009-07-25:

    • [Win] Export and import of test cases from/to Microsoft Office Excel documents.
    • [Win] Minor fixes and enhancements.
  • 2009-05-25:

    • [Win] Initial public release.